With designer bags as the primary inspiration for this collection, all bags are crafted with both style and substance in mind. It’s no secret how iconic bags have become, often being the ultimate statement-making piece. So, if you’re looking to elevate your look with a bag that’s both chic and reliable, you’ve come to the right place.
Day or night, you’ll have an super-stylish way to carry your belongings - and take your outfit to a whole new level of luxe. But, if a casual vibe is more your scene, our extensive range of canvas designs offers the perfect balance of practicality and laid-back luxury.
You can also personalize your new handbag, too, with different options including the iconic Signature Name, our Metal letters or a printed vinyl name. Giving your bag a truly unique touch set to stand out from the rest, personalised bags also make for the ultimate gift!
A range of sizes are also available. From sleek shoulder bags to expansive tote-style designs, our bags for women have been specifically designed for a variety of occasions in mind. We understand the importance of both reliability and luxury when selecting a new handbag - and that’s what you’ll receive with us here at Abbott Lyon.
Explore our collection of bags today, and elevate your look in an instant! All designs come with our 1 year Quality Promise for your peace of mind.